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About Us

Embark on this
journey with

Flavors from
another world

Our Spicy and Tomatoh patrollers are ready to take you on an adventure of unique flavors and sensations across the universe. They are on a journey to show that the best choices are made when choosing Planett Pizza! How about embarking on this trip?

But be careful: If you see “The Cutter” along the way, RUN! He does everything he can to disrupt our patrolmen’s wonderful (and delicious) plans.

Meet our

We deliver the
best flavors

From the universe straight to your home!

delicious cheese pizza

Our flavors, despite being out of this world, are available on your favorite delivery apps. Choose the one you like best, check out our delicious menu, place your order and enjoy. Indulge with Planett Pizza!

Choose your favorite delivery app.

Check our menu.

Wait and enjoy.